Katariinanlaakso, Catherine's Valley, is a 17 hectare nature reserve consisting of hardwood grove patches. It is located in Turku close to Kaarina border. Special characteristics of Katariinanlaakso include rich oaks and little-leaf lindens, a large…
Category: Western Finland
Midsummer adventure at Marttila wilderness trails
Marttila wilderness trails introduce nature in South Western Finland better than several national parks combined. I was particularly impressed by the great variety that the trails in Marttila have, big boulders called Juomakivi and Isokarhunkivi,…
Exploring Isojärvi National Park
Isojärvi national park is located in Kuhmoinen municipality in Central Finland. The main attractions in this area are hills and valleys surrounding the lakes, former lumberjacks' cabins, and beavers. Large boulders are also common in…
Juveninkoski waterfall in Jämsä
Juveninkoski is a waterfall located in Jämsä. It gets its water from a small Nytkymenjoki river in the village of Partala and it is the largest waterfall in Central Finland. The water plunges down a…
Find your inner sherpa in Kanavuori in Jyväskylä
Kanavuori, Chicken Mountain, is a hill and nature trail located in Jyväskylä, Central Finland, and in the western part of the Finnish Lakeland. It is not a mountain, let's be clear on that. The hill…
Mushroom picking in Finland is fun
Mushroom picking in Finland is a popular hobby and even an income for some. It is allowed by everyman's rights, and Finland really is mushroom picker's paradise. There are thousands of types of mushrooms and…