When I was climbing up the seemingly-endless stairs of the observation tower in Luhdanjoki, I wondered why I always seem to choose places to see that are very high up. It's not that I'm afraid…
Category: Season
Finest rock art in Finland at Astuvansalmi
Almost being able to touch a handprint left by someone 5000 years ago is one of the reasons the rock paintings of Astuvansalmi take your breath away. (more…)
Kummakivi balancing rock at Ruokolahti, Finland
Kummakivi means "strange rock" in Finnish. It is a fitting name for a huge balancing rock in the middle of nowhere in Eastern Finland, more specifically at Ruokolahti. (more…)
Mushroom picking in Finland is fun
Mushroom picking in Finland is a popular hobby and even an income for some. It is allowed by everyman's rights, and Finland really is mushroom picker's paradise. There are thousands of types of mushrooms and…
Torronsuo National Park, Finland’s deepest bog
Torronsuo National Park is the closest national park to where I grew up and I have visited it many times. It is one of my favorite locations to go for a walk on the duckboards…
Amazing view from Puijo Tower in Kuopio, Finland
They say Finland is an expensive country, but I would pay 6€ for this view any day. The view from the Puijo Tower in Kuopio, Eastern Finland, is spectacular! The Puijo Tower is located only…
Bird watching in Enontekiö, Lapland
Yrjö Kokko bird watching tower in Hetta, Enontekiö, is a popular place for any migrating birds, and birdwatchers. The tower is named after a famous writer, Yrjö Kokko. Kokko was writer and a vet, and…