Northern Lights, aurora borealis, are a wonder of nature that only few people get to see. We want to help everyone enjoy these stunningly beautiful apparitions so here are some tips on when, where, and how…
Category: Spring
Magic of the giant’s kettles in Askola
A lot of people will know the story about Jack and the Beanstalk. When the seeds grow into a stalk, Jack climbs up and ends up in the house of the giant. In some versions,…
Juveninkoski waterfall in Jämsä
Juveninkoski is a waterfall located in Jämsä. It gets its water from a small Nytkymenjoki river in the village of Partala and it is the largest waterfall in Central Finland. The water plunges down a…
Leafy-green Ekudden nature trail in Porvoo
In one of the most beautiful towns in Finland, Porvoo, you can also find the Ekudden (oak cape or peninsula) nature trail that showcases many of the various vistas Finland has to offer. The nature…
Pakasaivo, the Hell of Lapland
Lake Pakasaivo located in Muonio, Lapland, is also known as the Hell of Lapland. When we saw a little star on the map with a text "Hell of Lapland", we knew we have to go…
Finest rock art in Finland at Astuvansalmi
Almost being able to touch a handprint left by someone 5000 years ago is one of the reasons the rock paintings of Astuvansalmi take your breath away. (more…)
Bird watching in Enontekiö, Lapland
Yrjö Kokko bird watching tower in Hetta, Enontekiö, is a popular place for any migrating birds, and birdwatchers. The tower is named after a famous writer, Yrjö Kokko. Kokko was writer and a vet, and…