Sorlammi giant’s kettles (Sorlammen hiidenkirnut)
The seven giant’s kettles of Sorlampi

Sorlammi giant’s kettles (Sorlammen hiidenkirnut)
Törnävänsaari is the oldest place inhabited area in Seinäjoki city. Located about 3km from the city centre, Törnävänsaari has a open-air countryside museum. The goal of this museum/park is to demonstrate older lifestyles and pursuits…
Oittaa recreation area is located in the city of Espoo, at the southern end of Lake Bodom. It can be considered as one of the more diverse recreation areas in the capital area because it…
The Bay Trail (Lahtipolku in Finnish) is located in the suburbs of Puotila, Vartiokylä, Vuosaari, and Rastila in the eastern part of Helsinki, along the Vartiokylänlahti bay. The trail runs past old manor houses, thick…
This is a story about Kulta-Kustaa and his excavation pit Kustaan kaivanto in Vaskio in Finland. Kulta-Kustaa was a famous character of a small village as he dedicated his life for trying to find gold.…
Where is the center of Finland? And how is it calculated? If we forget the question of Finland's existence, we can talk about the center point of the country. I visited the center of Finland…
Salainen Uhrilähde is a hallowed spring located in Salo municipality in south-western Finland. It's real name is Someroja natural spring, but it is commonly known as Salaisten Uhrilähde. Uhrilähde means that the spring used to…
Most people recognise Lehtisaari island as one of the many islands bordering the Espoo and Helsinki archipelago in the West. What most people don't know is that there are several Bronze Age heap tombs on…
Getting to this rock church in Korsvik, near Loviisa, was a labour of Hercules. This incredible rock formation made us work for the right to see it even though (officially, mind you) you only have…
Äkässaivo lake and impressive seida rock Seitapahta in Muonio can be visited by 3 kilometers long circle trail called Saivonkierros. Beautiful barbeque hut provides a nice resting spot near Äkässaivo in case you want to…