Hetta is the main village in Enontekiö municipality, which is known for reindeer husbandry. Located in Lapland, Enontekiö occupies a large and very sparsely populated area near Swedish and Norwegian borders. Hetta hosts the Fell…
Category: National parks
Kalaja trail at Southern Konnevesi National Park
First sunny and warm day of spring blessed our trip to the Southern Konnevesi National Park in Rautalampi in the beginning of April. It took less than 1½ hours to drive from Jyväskylä on spring…
10 reasons to visit Finnish national parks on your next vacation
National parks in Finland are prime destination for those who want to see versatile nature and breath the cleanest air in the world. Here are our top 10 reasons why you should consider visiting Finnish…
Three day hike at Teijo National Park
I got to spent three beautiful days and two nights in a lean-to shelter at Teijo National Park at the end of March. Two of my friends have been studying to become wilderness guides and…
Exploring Isojärvi National Park
Isojärvi national park is located in Kuhmoinen municipality in Central Finland. The main attractions in this area are hills and valleys surrounding the lakes, former lumberjacks' cabins, and beavers. Large boulders are also common in…
Find your own lucky stone at Lampivaara Amethyst Mine
As children, we have all found treasure in the most bizarre places. Sometimes it probably was an amazing stick, a slimy toad, or even a shiny rock. However, most of us forget about our dreams…
Kyynäränharju is a scenic ridge in Liesjärvi National Park
Kyynäränharju ridge is one of the top attractions in Liesjärvi national park, which is located in Tammela, approximately 95 km from Helsinki. Kyynäränharju is a low sandy shored ridge, which separates Lake Kyynärä and Lake…
Torronsuo National Park, Finland’s deepest bog
Torronsuo National Park is the closest national park to where I grew up and I have visited it many times. It is one of my favorite locations to go for a walk on the duckboards…