Törnävänsaari – open-air museum and park

Törnävänsaari Seinäjoki tuulimylly historialliset rakennukset windmill historical buildings

Törnävänsaari is the oldest place inhabited area in Seinäjoki city. Located about 3km from the city centre, Törnävänsaari has a open-air countryside museum. The goal of this museum/park is to demonstrate older lifestyles and pursuits…

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Christmas surprise at Kettumäki in Liesjärvi National Park

Kettumäki in Liesjärvi National Park

Kettumäki is located in the eastern corner of Liesjärvi National Park. This small area was officially added to the national park in 2016 after years of debate over the threat of logging. Kettumäki is a…

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