Imposing cliffs and roaring rapids at Palakoski challenges visitors

Palakoski Vihti virkistysalue recreation area Mummusali

On a sunny and crisp spring morning, we had the same idea as many others: let's go hiking. We ended up heading towards Vihti and the Palakoski recreation area. I knew it would be a…

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Haukkavuori nature path showcases the untamed diversity of heritage forests

Haukkavuori Kerava luontopolku nature trail Keravanjoki

The protected Haukkavuori area is a unique nature destination because it has been left almost entirely undisturbed. There you can see how energy in all its forms flows through the forest ecosystem. It means that…

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Exploring Hiekkahelmi trail in Paimio with new friends

Exploring Hiekkahelmi trail in Paimio

Hiekkahelmi trail in Paimio is also known as Paimio trails, Paimion polut. Hiekkahelmi is an artificial pond with a nice beach, located near road 110 in Paimio. There is a recreational area with a network…

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Experience the culture-historical Vanhankylänniemi hotspot at Järvenpää

Vanhankylänniemi Tuusulanjärvi lake Annitädinkenttä

Vanhankylänniemi is a culture-historically important site on the shore of Tuusulanjärvi lake. It is one of the more popular recreation areas. We've been there several times during different seasons and it always manages to be…

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Versatile Lahokallio nature trails overlook the lake at Lohja

Lahokallio Lohja Lohjanjärvi

Lahokallio recreation area and its nature trails zigzag across a small peninsula near Lake Lohja. The cliffs on the northern tip of the peninsula have been designated as a nationally valuable rock surface dropping straight…

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One nature experience richer after barbecue at Onkimaanjärvi

Onkimaanjärvi lean-to shelter

Peaceful Onkimaanjärvi lake is located near highway 2, adjoining Liesjärvi National Park in the area of three municipalities; Tammela, Loppi, and Karkkila. Border of Tavastia and Uusimaa regions cuts right through the lake. The northern…

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Explore the last Ice Age at the devil’s field of Kasnäs

Kasnäs muinaisranta pirunpelto. Kasnäs devil's field ancient shoreline.

While visiting Kasnäs on Kemiö island (Kemiönsaari in Finnish, Kimitoön in Swedish), one of the places I wanted to visit was this devil's field. It is actually a part of the ancient shoreline of the…

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